Leading Business Schools like INSEAD and IMD recognizes that the SanderMap competence profile concept is truly unique. It is strategic, simple and operational – ensuring a fit to the future strategic needs. We translate your strategy into a competency matrix. For each function/level there are 5 Leadership/Managerial, 5 Functional and 5 Individual competencies. The built-in workflows ensure assessment and development – transparent and effective. Generate high returns fast.

The core idea behind SanderMap´s Competency Profiling concept involves translation of the overall strategy into a profile for each function/level. Individual self-assessment scores these 15 competencies on a scale from 1 to 5, where a score of 3 indicates adequate competency to perform in current position. A score of 1 or 2 indicates a competency gap – which needs to be addressed. A score of 4 or 5 indicates an opportunity gap – individuals may be over qualified for current position.