/Meet The Team


Jacob Stabell

Jacob Stabell

Co-owner/CEO, SanderMap GmbH Switzerland

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Sandeep Sander

Sandeep Sander

Jens Ulrik Hansen

Jens Ulrik Hansen


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Per Falholt

Per Falholt

LinkedIn Profile

John Quelch

John Quelch
SanderMap Advisory Board, Dean at University of Miami Herbert Business School

Serguei Netessine

Serguei Netessine
SanderMap Advisory Board, Vice-Dean at the Wharton School, Professor of Innovation and advisor to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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Michael Moesgaard

Michael Moesgaard
Senior Advisor

LinkedIn ProfileRuth Stergiou

Ruth Stergiou
Global Business Development

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Mukesh Soni

Mukesh Soni
Senior Full Stack Developer

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Harold Elegio

Harold Elegio
Infrastructure Director

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David Sander

David Sander
Co-Founder, Sander Solutions

LinkedIn Profile

Hellmut Schütte
Chairman, Asia-Pacific Advisory Board, SanderMap.
Professor INSEAD. Former Dean CEIBS, Shanghai and INSEAD, Asia Campus

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Our Solution? A Cloud-Based Software to Assess, Develop and Optimize your Competencies


Find out more about our solution

Endorsements of SanderMap

Sandeep Sander and SanderMap Singapore are valued advisors to DI Consortium for Global Talent. SanderMap’s know how and “know who” has already generated important benefits for DI CGT and our members.


John Quelch Professor, Harvard Business School

The SanderMap Concept is a paradigm shift: new data, new analysis – providing a decision basis and overview we have been dreaming of. I am looking forward to the implementation on a larger scale in our organization – and high returns on investments.


Per Falholt Former SVP, Novozymes, responsible for R&D. Awarded the price as Global #1 Science Employer 2015 | CEO, Per Falholt Global R&D Advisory Services | Chairman, Technical University of Denmark – DTU

About SanderMap

2015-05-08 Sandeep SanderSanderMap Pte. Ltd. was founded in 1989 by Sandeep Sander, built on a genuine belief in people and the “human assets” they represent for an organization. Sandeep and the SanderMap team has worked as Advisor for Senior Executives in many industries in 42 countries and developed expertise in Strategic Human Asset Management in related area.

SanderMap is there to help organizations align their strategic goals with the right competencies, and level up the Employability of every individual.

Our vision?
 Help you Outperform Your Potential.
Our mission? Enable your people to achieve results beyond expectations.

The SanderMap solutions are suitable for every person or organization looking to identify, develop and optimize competencies for higher performance, whatever the size or the industry.


If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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